joi, 22 decembrie 2016

The Moldovan politician between the syndrome of the eternal leader and repentance

A virus wreaks havoc with the Moldovan political space. Since 1990 we keep witnessing the funeral of one or another political party. Seems like yesterday the party was emanating vitality and optimism, and now is lying on the domestic politics bench, with lighted candles to an end.
Although there are various causes and reasons that have milled the health, eroded the vigor and squeezed the life out of the deceased, the politological autopsy to which have been examined the bodies, shows that almost all were permanently destroyed by a hard and incurable disease - the eternal leader syndrome.
Features: the virus attacks the mind of the party leader, who, by identifying himself with the founding father or Messiah, he builds himself a cult of personality, he believes he is eternal, omnipotent, infallible and therefore irreplaceable.
Effects: a political party, sooner or later finds its political end in the grip of an obsessed leader that at the beginning is full of tenderness and sweetness, then smothering and fatal.
The virus is transmitted by politicians, mostly it attacks the political parties, and the adverse consequences are borne by the society.
The incubation period varies from case to case, but, as a rule, it is activated with the accession to government.
All this takes place under the eyes, at first enthusiastic and combative, and then apathetic and powerless of thousands of members and supporters. In time, they opt for the status of "former", but prefer not to display the relationship.
The political death, however, does not occur suddenly. As the embrace of the leader is more feverish, the party gives its spirit faster. But anyway, the agony is still present, while the leader is lamenting, often even is delirious.
More recently, the political leader's death may be hastened by the courts, in the sentences of which is written with uppercase: CORRUPTION. The leader claims the fact that this is about political revenge, he victimize himself. The most devoted are hanging to him as for the last chance for political survival, and together they go to the bottom, taking with them and the hopes of many from sometime.
The former party leader can return quickly enough in the public life. Now he suffers from amnesia.
This time, he appears more often in other ways: a moralizing expert in stasiology (sociological study or politologycal of political parties) or if he had the chance and successfully failed a domain, by occupying a high public office, then he sees himself useful for the society and shares his experience in front of a motivated audience or cameras.
No remorse! No repentance, no way!
And so on, since 1990, 26 years beaten on the edge...

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 …Împăratul Estului i-a mângâiat pe cap și le-a spus: creşteţi, înmulţiţi-vă, băgați zâzanie şi cârmuiți! Unul - pe stânga, altul - pe dreap...